yea. i originally wanted to title this post a "series of unfortunate events," depicted all those unfortunate things that happened to me in the last 48 hours. but i guess no one would really be interested considering the list would be really long. but i think the whole world (at least my class), knows that my chemistry practical skills totally can go and die. need evidence? pity i could video-tape the whole mock spa on monday. yes. while the invigilator kept suanning me. (pls mr wong, take our side for the next practical or smthing?) haha. actually, she not that bad. at least she help me refill bottle.
then today bio prac was some mega 2 hour tutorial. i damn sian. physically and mentally. and not to mention miserable. so i indulged in drawin a rather "nice" pic of ceras victoria from hellsing. (much to kaswin's approval. thankfully i didnt listen to his requests. heheh.) and to think lawrence thot i was staring at him when i was looking at the projector screen behind him. haha. anyway. the drawing is 75% done. missing e face, some detail, hands and legs. quite wasted. drew her too big until cannot draw her legs fully. nvm. i shall learn from this and draw pip berdanotte smaller in my next drawing.
and thanks Dr. In for gracing a page of my book with your nice doodles. haha. nice sitting with you too. but it meant i didnt talk much to plan. haha. sorry man. but then again, i did rescue your bottle from the lt2.
loll. and yes. pangseh me tmr. and the day after. and two days after. hah. nvm.
alucard will come to get you all! muahaha.

and my secret abit revealed now. loll. but its nothing much. haha. woo. x-23 episode on cartoon network! must watch must watch! haha. x-23 so angsty. i like. haha.
and look! new screens for dark crusade expansion! woo. cool units for necron and tau finally show.

and that has got to hurt. for the red space marine guy that is. the evil silver robot thingy seems to be enjoying it.
who says my blog so violent? haha.
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